Welcome to the honor band page

Congratulations! If you are visiting this page then chances are you have been selected from amongst some of Rosemount Music’s best students.  You have been chosen to represent Rosemount along with scores of students from across the region at an upcoming performance. By now your director has most likely received the music you will be expected to prepare for the upcoming event. You are to learn and practice your parts in preparation for a single day of rehearsals with all of the other students involved with the ensemble Director. 


These pieces provided to you here offer you an opportunity to research your parts with the songs. Take this chance to play along WITH the recordings when you feel you are ready. Ask your band director questions about things you are unsure of for clarification and to help you prepare. Once again, congratulations and have a great experience representing Rosemount Music Department.

Shepherd's Hey

All Around the Circle

The Haunted Mansion

Empty Portraits

Midnight Waltz

Into the Blue

Techno Blade